Thursday, June 12, 2008

Don't Pass The Crape Myrtle By

OK, I know, Crape Myrtles seem to be over-planted, but there is a reason for that, especially in hot and dry climates. So before you discount them, read on. Crape Myrtles have many pleasing attributes in the garden.Crape Myrtles are known for their beautiful flowers, which bloom when the heat of summer begins. Crape Myrtle flowers come in a wonderful array of colors such as red, lavender, dark pink, light pink and white and many variations of those colors. My favorite is the white variety, Natchez, which you see just starting to flower in my gardens, Springville Lavender Gardens. One of the reasons I like the white flowers is because the tree will fit in with any color scheme in the garden. What a welcome addition to the garden the bright flowers are.

Crape Myrtles are very fast growing and can be trained as standards (single trunk) as the tree above, as a multi-trunk tree, or there are shrub varieties. Crape Myrtle trees are a good tree to plant in a lawn and can be planted under power lines since their height will never reach that tall. And Crape Myrtles are drought tolerant, have few pests or diseases, and are easy to care for.

And last, but surely not least there is the peeling bark of the tree which reveals a smooth mahogany colored trunk. One of the reasons that many Crape Myrtle's are pruned as multi-trunked trees to reveal more of that luscious bark for the eye to behold. So next time you are looking for a fast growing and beautiful trees consider planting a Crape Myrtle.